Directors-Evan Goldberg & Seth Rogen
Length-107 min.
This uproarious comedic adventure follows the cast of Pineapple Express and Superbad as an outrageous turn of events lead to the end of the world. It all starts with a party at James Franco's house where main characters Seth Rogen, and Jay Baruchel from She's Out of My League and Knocked Up (all characters playing themselves), decide to venture to a drugstore for some cigarettes, when all hell breaks loose, literally. Michael Cera, from Juno and Youth in Revolt, plays a role you have never seen him in before, as the coked-out playboy who makes an offensive gesture in just about every one of his very few cameos within the film. As Hollywood turns to flames and a vast majority of our familiar faces decease, those left to fend for themselves are forced to survive in this post-apocalyptic world. The events that follow turn into pure absurdity as Danny McBride (Eastbound & Down) turns to cannibalism with a surprise face as his sex slave, and Jonah Hill (Moneyball) turns into a killer zombie; the craziness never ceases to exist in this film. Truly, this is a story of friendship and how it prevails over anything, even in light of end of life as we know it. I won't ruin the concluding scene for you, but for all you boy band lovers out there, it is quite a hysterical performance by one of the classics. For all its vulgarity, obscenity and just plain absurdity; this is a must see comedy.